Monday, October 29, 2012

Synthesis Project Presentation

This presentation is an overview of the processes learned in multi-media. The projects that I created for this was (1) a logo (2) a multi-page documents (3) a poster and (4) a web design.

The logo was first, played an important role because it presented what the business was about.

Second was the multi-page brochure that provided the projection of the business and service.

Third was the poster that gave information regarding the business product and service a great tool for advertising.

Last the creating of the website design was an insight on the fundamentals that is required to build a website and provided for me an opportunity to build my own design.

peer review

This is my update from the Oct. 25th peer and instructor Reviews. One of the main focuses was my “Logo.” The cake for the A was not seemly a good idea to the group, however an upside down slice of pie that form the shape of an “A” was strongly suggested by peers and instructor. It was also stated the upside down slice of pie gave an extra effect to the eye in the logo for the word see. It would present both with a cartoon effect.
Next, the white background I had for my pieces my peers and instructor did not like. My peers and instructor suggested color for the background. The next item was that the picture of myself in the multi page piece had a cut out choppy look and also the table look cut off at the edges.

These items have been corrected. The cake has been removed with the upside slice of pie for cartoon look. Second the white background was replaced with a lavender color background and baking tools with a fade look for the background as well. By changing the color for the background of the multi-page document to have a sequence and pattern I changed the color on the Poster and Website Design as well.

The choppy look of multi page document was corrected also with the use of the blur tool and the table as extended. Just thought I would share a copy of the original logo. You can catch the new by viewing my presentation. Talk to you later.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

topic plans and goals

Hi Alex and Group,
My topic is my dessert business. My plans are to do a layout with pictures of desserts I created with price list. My goal is to prepare this part of my business for the future. Pertaining to the process we have learn in class my plans is to use the logo process to create my logo. Next to use the scanning to photoshop of the pictures and and use the before and after process to enhance the pictures to full effect what the camera does not pickup as for as color and texture. Possibly using the cropping process as well. Last to create the booklet as in the last procedure we just finish with a post card version to it as well. My goal is to create this item as a template for my future business and to incorporate the procedures we have learn in Adobe, photoshop and indesign.
I believe this ends my summary of topic, plans and goals; see you in class

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

before and after

This scenery is an old fashion Indian motel that was once an Indian Reservation site located in Phoenix, AZ
This is the after scene once I change the sky to a deeper in-depth blue. I accomplish this task by using the magic wand tool and going to image, then adjustment and to huge saturation. I use the color bar well as the lightness and saturation. I also accomplish the goal of bringing depth to the grass and tree. I use the dodge tool to bring the shadow over the roof into more essence in the scene.
Afterwards used the flatten image to compress and flatten the back.                                                                                                              

This is the before picture of the Indian motel previous an Indian Reservation in Phoenix, AZ
It was fun and amazing to me how the beauty and depth of the picture came into existence and the essence became so bright by using the tools method above.

Monday, September 24, 2012


This logo design is based on the;"Promise of God" to Abraham and his descendents the Jewish Nation. It is also a design based on all who accept God's son "Jesus Christ" as Lord and Saviour in their lives receive the same promises.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

cause/prisonfor profit

I choose this the cause of "Prison for Profit", for various reasons. First I work with a jail and prison ministry to help people and their families when the individual is need, if it is pray, food, housing clothing or job placement. I see so many cases that are what I in my generation would have called
railroad and trump charges. 
For example we work with a young man who got busted with one joint of marijuana and was an excellent student in school with a 3.75 GPA. and a full scholarship for college awaiting him, and the court system wanted to give him two years. "Now this is not to say I or my team support doing any type of drugs; after all this is a "Christian" base ministry". But do I send a young man with a promising opportunity to make a difference in his life, his family and society into a prison system for two years for something as small a one joint, or do you give him another chance with perhaps a sponsorship mentoring program and even perhaps community work. This is for sure a better method than to cut a young 17year old life short into a life of prison.
My second for reasoning is as we took training to work with the jail and prison ministry we had to meet with the wardens and community assistance coordinator. We discovered that from the jail system the "State of Colorado" profits are 45% and the prison system 55%; so you see the state receives 100% profits form the jail and prison system. Also there is no rehabilitation. programs such as drug and alcohol, education or trade. Therefore it is a dead end cycle mostly once in the system unless there is some individuals who attempt to make a difference.
My third reason for choosing this subject. My husband is a Commercial Electrician"and he worked as a sub contractor for a company their industry was building prisons. We discovered the company built prison for "Private Industries." The process was the industry would go in a town build the prison the town may the industry a percentage for the prison based on the maximum of the confinement. This started me to researching to discover many of the private sector is judges, attorney firms, etc. Amazing isn't it.
What was more amazing to me after choosing this subject, I come home today and on T.V. is this gentlemen who was on death row set for death seven times but he was actually a victim of a corrupt system. On the District Attorney's death bed he confessed he which documents and DNA to have this man convicted.  The promised and blessed size to the story is the gentlemen himself has started a program and have helped five people who were on death row for crimes they did not commit. 
This amazed me also when, he made the statement "Faith and Education" is what is needed. I also liked his slogan "The prosecution may rest but he will not until he can help all who is falsely accused for position, power and money.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

wanted poster

This poster was did in class, we was not given a heads-up we would be taking pictures of ourselves. Lesson learned be yea also ready (L O L)